Amelia's Jewel Acceptance

Race 9 at Moonee Valley

Date: Sat 26th Oct, 2024

Ladbrokes Cox Plate, 2040m

Open, Apprentices Cannot Claim, 3yo+, Weight For Age, $5,000,000.00

No Horse Barrier
1 Mr Brightside 2
2 Prognosis 5
3 Kovalica 9
4 Royal Patronage 3
5 Docklands 1
6 Pride Of Jenni 7
7 Via Sistina 4
8 Broadsiding 8
9 Evaporate 6


Trainer: Ben, Will & Jd Hayes   Jockey: Craig Williams   Weight: 59kg   Barrier: 2

Record: 40-18-9-3   Prizemoney: $16,393,402.00

4-9 210.3L , Moonee Valley, 2024-10-26 2040M, Good , Race 9, Cox Plate, $5,050,000.00 ($250,000.00), Jockey: Craig Williams, Bar: 2 , 59kg, 2:01.07 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-4
1-8 Lg NkL , Flemington, 2024-09-14 1600M, Heavy , Race 8, Makybe Diva Stakes, $755,325.00 ($455,325.00), Jockey: Craig Williams, Bar: 4 , 59kg, 1:38.98 , , Settled-3 800-3 400-3
2-4 3/41.5L , Moonee Valley, 2024-09-27 1600M, Good , Race 4, Feehan Stakes, $501,500.00 ($90,000.00), Jockey: Craig Williams, Bar: 3 , 59kg, 1:34.67 , , Settled-2 800-2 400-2
2-8 3/40.8L , Caulfield, 2024-10-12 2000M, Good , Race 7, Might And Power, $1,005,000.00 ($180,000.00), Jockey: Craig Williams, Bar: 1 , 59kg, 2:01.40 , , Settled-3 800-3 400-2
2-8 2.30.3L , Caulfield, 2024-08-31 1400M, Good , Race 9, Memsie Stakes, $754,950.00 ($135,000.00), Jockey: Craig Williams, Bar: 4 , 59kg, 1:22.66 , , Settled-4 800-4 400-3


Trainer: M Nakauchida   Jockey: Damian Lane   Weight: 59kg   Barrier: 5

Record: 15-7-4-2   Prizemoney: $7,048,829.00

4-11 13.1L , Japan, 2024-08-18 2000M, Firm , Race 1, Sapporo Kinen, $383,328.00 ($112,549.00), Jockey: Y Kawada, Bar: 11 , 58kg, 1:59.60 , , Settled-0 800-0 400-0
3-11 1.33.8L , Jap - Tokyo, 2023-10-29 2000M, Fast , Race 1, Tenno Sho, (), Jockey: Y Kawada, Bar: 9 , 58kg, 1:55.20 , , Settled-11 800-11 400-10
5-11 Sh Hd1L , Sha Tin, 2023-12-10 2000M, Good , Race 8, Hong Kong Cup, $36,000,000.00 ($1,260,000.00), Jockey: Y Kawada, Bar: 6 , 57kg, 2:02.00 , , Settled-11 800-10 400-9
1-13 5L , Jap - Chukyo, 2024-03-10 2000M, Firm , Race 1, Kinko Sho, $1,320,301.00 ($695,122.00), Jockey: Y Kawada, Bar: 4 , 58kg, 1:57.60 , , Settled-11 800-8 400-5
2-11 1.80.3L , Sha Tin, 2024-04-28 2000M, Dead , Race 8, Qeii Cup, $28,000,000.00 ($5,880,000.00), Jockey: Y Kawada, Bar: 5 , 57kg, 2:01.02 , , Settled-11 800-4 400-3


Trainer: C J Waller   Jockey: M Zahra   Weight: 59kg   Barrier: 9

Record: 25-6-2-4   Prizemoney: $3,315,000.00

3-14 Sh Nk1.5L , Royal Randwick, 2024-09-07 1400M, Good , Race 9, Tramway Stakes, $302,000.00 ($27,250.00), Jockey: J B Mc Donald, Bar: 6 , 58kg, 1:20.41 , , Settled-7 800-8 400-8
4-6 1.82.6L , Canterbury Park, 2024-09-24 1100M, Good , Race 4, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: J B Mc Donald, Bar: 4 , 0kg, 1:07.79 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400-
4-20 3/42L , Royal Randwick, 2024-10-05 1600M, Good , Race 9, Epsom Handicap, $1,507,500.00 ($68,000.00), Jockey: J B Mc Donald, Bar: 1 , 55.5kg, 1:34.46 , , Settled-7 800-8 400-5
2-9 20.2L , Rosehill Gardens, 2024-10-12 1900M, Good , Race 7, Hill Stakes, $2,002,000.00 ($380,000.00), Jockey: Zac Lloyd, Bar: 2 , 59kg, 1:55.23 , , Settled-8 800-8 400-8
6-9 211.8L , Moonee Valley, 2024-10-26 2040M, Good , Race 9, Cox Plate, $5,050,000.00 ($100,000.00), Jockey: M Zahra, Bar: 9 , 59kg, 2:01.07 , , Settled-8 800-8 400-9


Trainer: G Waterhouse & A Bott   Jockey: M J Dee   Weight: 59kg   Barrier: 3

Record: 20-5-2-3   Prizemoney: $1,076,739.00

3-20 3/42.1L , Royal Randwick, 2024-10-05 1600M, Good , Race 9, Epsom Handicap, $1,507,500.00 ($142,500.00), Jockey: Tim Clark, Bar: 17 , 56kg, 1:34.46 , , Settled-8 800-2 400-2
3-9 22.2L , Rosehill Gardens, 2024-10-12 1900M, Good , Race 7, Hill Stakes, $2,002,000.00 ($195,000.00), Jockey: Tim Clark, Bar: 8 , 59kg, 1:55.23 , , Settled-3 800-1 400-1
1-4 3/4L , Royal Randwick, 2024-08-19 1200M, Heavy , Race 6, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Tim Clark, Bar: 5 , 0kg, 1:13.14 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400-
3-8 1/21.0L , Royal Randwick, 2024-09-21 1600M, Good , Race 8, 3yo+ Stakes, $1,005,000.00 ($96,000.00), Jockey: Tim Clark, Bar: 6 , 59kg, 1:34.88 , , Settled-6 800-6 400-6
1-14 1.3L , Royal Randwick, 2024-09-07 1400M, Good , Race 9, Tramway Stakes, $302,000.00 ($172,000.00), Jockey: Tim Clark, Bar: 10 , 55kg, 1:20.41 , , Settled-1 800-3 400-3


Trainer: H Eustace   Jockey: B Shinn   Weight: 59kg   Barrier: 1

Record: 14-3-5-1   Prizemoney: $801,484.00

5-9 211.1L , Moonee Valley, 2024-10-26 2040M, Good , Race 9, Cox Plate, $5,050,000.00 ($200,000.00), Jockey: B Shinn, Bar: 1 , 59kg, 2:01.07 , , Settled-6 800-6 400-6
6-11 26.1L , Flemington, 2024-11-09 2000M, Good , Race 8, Champions Stakes, $3,010,325.00 ($60,000.00), Jockey: Declan Bates, Bar: 6 , 59kg, 2:01.86 , , Settled-11 800-10 400-11
7-13 3.511.5L , G B - York, 2024-08-21 2112M, Good , Race 1, Juddmonte International Stakes, $2,368,763.00 (), Jockey: H Turner, Bar: 12 , 60.5kg, 2:04.32 , , Settled-0 800-0 400-0
2-13 2.82.3L , G B - Ascot, 2024-06-18 1609M, Good , Race 1, Queen Anne Stakes, $1,421,258.00 ($310,634.00), Jockey: H Turner, Bar: 6 , 58kg, 2:30.32 , , Settled-0 800-0 400-0
2-11 1.50.5L , Fr - Longchamp, 2024-05-23 1600M, Heavy , Race 1, Prix De Montretout, $85,908.00 ($17,182.00), Jockey: H Turner, Bar: 6 , 57kg, 1:41.35 , , Settled-0 800-0 400-0


Trainer: C Maher   Jockey: Declan Bates   Weight: 57kg   Barrier: 7

Record: 35-8-9-3   Prizemoney: $10,034,490.00

8-9 215.8L , Moonee Valley, 2024-10-26 2040M, Good , Race 9, Cox Plate, $5,050,000.00 ($75,000.00), Jockey: Declan Bates, Bar: 7 , 57kg, 2:01.07 , , Settled-1 800-1 400-3
2-8 4.30.4L , Flemington, 2024-09-14 1600M, Heavy , Race 8, Makybe Diva Stakes, $755,325.00 ($135,000.00), Jockey: Declan Bates, Bar: 7 , 57kg, 1:38.98 , , Settled-1 800-1 400-1
2-11 Sh Nk0.8L , Royal Randwick, 2024-10-19 1600M, Soft , Race 9, King Charles Iii Stakes, $5,110,000.00 ($850,000.00), Jockey: Declan Bates, Bar: 10 , 57kg, 1:34.07 , , Settled-1 800-1 400-1
1-4 1.5L , Moonee Valley, 2024-09-27 1600M, Good , Race 4, Feehan Stakes, $501,500.00 ($301,500.00), Jockey: Declan Bates, Bar: 1 , 57kg, 1:34.67 , , Settled-1 800-1 400-1
5-8 2.35.7L , Caulfield, 2024-08-31 1400M, Good , Race 9, Memsie Stakes, $754,950.00 ($18,750.00), Jockey: Declan Bates, Bar: 7 , 57kg, 1:22.66 , , Settled-1 800-1 400-1


Trainer: C J Waller   Jockey: J B Mc Donald   Weight: 57kg   Barrier: 4

Record: 20-10-4-2   Prizemoney: $8,557,239.00

1-12 Hf HdL , Royal Randwick, 2024-08-24 1400M, Good , Race 8, Winx Stakes, $1,005,000.00 ($585,000.00), Jockey: K Mc Evoy, Bar: 7 , 57kg, 1:23.15 , , Settled-9 800-9 400-8
1-16 HdL , Flemington, 2024-10-05 2000M, Soft , Race 8, Turnbull Stks, $755,325.00 ($455,325.00), Jockey: Damian Lane, Bar: 12 , 57kg, 2:02.62 , , Settled-10 800-10 400-6
6-6 1/21.9L , Rosehill Gardens, 2024-08-06 1000M, Good , Race 1, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: J B Mc Donald, Bar: 6 , 0kg, 1:01.28 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400-
1-9 8L , Moonee Valley, 2024-10-26 2040M, Good , Race 9, Cox Plate, $5,050,000.00 ($3,050,000.00), Jockey: J B Mc Donald, Bar: 4 , 57kg, 2:01.07 , , Settled-7 800-7 400-1
5-8 4.36.5L , Flemington, 2024-09-14 1600M, Heavy , Race 8, Makybe Diva Stakes, $755,325.00 ($18,750.00), Jockey: J B Mc Donald, Bar: 1 , 57kg, 1:38.98 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-4


Trainer: James Cummings   Jockey: Jamie Kah   Weight: 49.5kg   Barrier: 8

Record: 11-5-0-3   Prizemoney: $3,057,975.00

2-7 Lg hd1.3L , Rosehill Gardens, 2024-09-05 900M, Good , Race 7, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: J B Mc Donald, Bar: 2 , 0kg, 0:54.27 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400-
2-9 1.51.8L , Hawkesbury, 2024-09-17 1000M, Good , Race 3, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: J B Mc Donald, Bar: 2 , 0kg, 0:58.35 , Barrier Trial , , Settled- 800- 400-
1-10 HdL , Rosehill Gardens, 2024-09-28 1400M, Soft , Race 8, Golden Rose, $1,023,300.00 ($603,300.00), Jockey: J B Mc Donald, Bar: 1 , 56.5kg, 1:22.69 , , Settled-7 800-7 400-6
4-11 3/41.3L , Caulfield, 2024-10-12 1600M, Good , Race 8, Caulfield Guineas, $3,017,000.00 ($135,000.00), Jockey: J B Mc Donald, Bar: 9 , 57kg, 1:36.74 , , Settled-10 800-8 400-9
3-9 210.0L , Moonee Valley, 2024-10-26 2040M, Good , Race 9, Cox Plate, $5,050,000.00 ($375,000.00), Jockey: Jamie Kah, Bar: 8 , 49.5kg, 2:01.07 , , Settled-9 800-9 400-8


Trainer: Ben, Will & Jd Hayes   Jockey: K Teetan   Weight: 49.5kg   Barrier: 6

Record: 10-4-2-1   Prizemoney: $740,625.00

1-13 1.3L , Cranbourne, 2024-08-01 1400M, Soft , Race 5, Mdn Plate, $37,500.00 ($20,625.00), Jockey: M J Dee, Bar: 2 , 57kg, 1:25.58 , , Settled- 800- 400-
1-9 3L , Moonee Valley, 2024-08-24 1523M, Soft , Race 3, 3yo Open Hcp, $150,000.00 ($82,500.00), Jockey: M J Dee, Bar: 9 , 59kg, 1:34.20 , , Settled-6 800-6 400-2
3-11 3/40.9L , Caulfield, 2024-10-12 1600M, Good , Race 8, Caulfield Guineas, $3,017,000.00 ($270,000.00), Jockey: M J Dee, Bar: 8 , 57kg, 1:36.74 , , Settled-8 800-9 400-6
1-8 1L , Moonee Valley, 2024-09-27 1600M, Good , Race 6, Stutt Stks, $301,500.00 ($181,500.00), Jockey: M J Dee, Bar: 2 , 57kg, 1:36.32 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-4
1-8 2.8L , Moonee Valley, 2024-09-07 1600M, Good , Race 1, 3yo Hcp, $150,000.00 ($82,500.00), Jockey: M J Dee, Bar: 7 , 60kg, 1:37.58 , , Settled-2 800-2 400-2

Where success breeds success.


Sharon King | Racing Manager
0448 494 828

Jarrod Hall | Farm Manager
0419 911 084


510 Kaloorup Rd Vasse, Western Australia, Australia


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